
Different Ways To Clean A Carpet

We all know that carpet needs to be vacuumed at least weekly, and occasionally given a deep clean. But when stains happen, it can be hard to know how to handle them properly.

Fortunately, there are many different ways to clean a carpet using regular household products and ingredients. Here are a few of the best and easiest methods to use:

Steam Cleaning

A steam cleaner uses hot water and cleaning solution to blast through your carpet, removing dirt build-up, germs, allergens and other debris that normal vacuuming can’t. Steam cleaners can also lift protein-based stains and deodorize your carpet, making it look and smell fresh again.

To use a steam cleaner, you’ll need the machine itself (usually an upright model that resembles a vacuum cleaner), the carpet cleaning solution that comes with your machine or is sold at a home improvement store, and a stain pretreater (protein-based stains set quickly). Start by emptying the tank of your steamer and filling it up to the proper level. You’ll want to follow the instructions for your specific steamer, but the general rule is to fill it up until the water begins to spill over the sides of the container.

Next, if you have any furniture in the room, move it out of the way before you start cleaning. This will give you a larger working area and make the process much faster. Finally, if you’re concerned that your older carpet may react badly to the heat of the steam cleaner, test it in a hidden corner. If all goes well, you’ll be good to go!

If you have a very dirty or heavily stained carpet, it’s best to call in the professionals. Not only will they know how to operate your particular steam cleaner, but they’ll also be able to offer expert advice on getting those tough stains out.

Over time, even the most beautiful carpets can begin to look dull and grimy. That’s because the carpet fibers become compressed by foot traffic, trapping dirt and odors that can’t be removed with just a regular vacuum. Steam cleaning can rejuvenate the appearance of old or worn carpets, and it’s also very effective at lifting built-up dirt and odors from deep in the fibers, as well as killing bacteria, mold and other harmful microorganisms. It’s also one of the only methods that can truly sanitize your carpet, without the harsh chemicals and dyes that many other cleaners contain.

Baking Soda & Cornstarch

Baking soda is a great way to clean carpets. It removes stains, absorbs liquids, and deodorizes. It is also inexpensive and safe to use in homes with children and pets. If you have a spill, smear on some baking soda and let it sit for a few minutes before vacuuming it up. This will eliminate the majority of the stain. If the stain persists, you can try a different method, such as club soda or cornstarch.

Vacuuming is essential to keeping your carpets looking and smelling clean. However, some stains require more than just vacuuming. Grease stains, wine stains and pet odors can all leave their mark on your carpets. You can easily make a natural cleaner with ingredients you probably already have in your home, such as baking soda and cornstarch or laundry detergent and vinegar. You can make a cleaning solution from these items that will work on the most stubborn stains without requiring the use of chemicals or heavy equipment.

Mix equal parts baking soda and cornstarch in a bowl. Sprinkle the mixture onto a grease or oil stain. The cornstarch will soak up the oil and baking soda will remove any remaining stains and odors. Let the mixture sit on the stain for about 15 to 20 minutes, then vacuum it up. Repeat the process as needed.

This cleaning mixture is also effective for other greasy or oily stains. You can replace the cornstarch with flour if your carpet is sensitive to starches. You can also use borax, which is an alternative to baking soda and can be found in the laundry aisle of most grocery stores. Borax is an effective cleaning agent that is particularly effective against rust and blood stains.

Red wine stains can be especially difficult to get out of your carpet. Many people recommend piling salt on the stain, but this is counterproductive because it helps the dyes in the wine penetrate the carpet fibers and make them permanent. Instead, sprinkle on a thick layer of baking soda and leave it on the stain for an hour or even overnight. This will eliminate most of the odors from the carpet and help it look and smell better.

Vinegar & Water

For a quick clean up on the carpet you can use white vinegar and water. You can sprinkle baking soda first to help remove the odour from the carpet then spray the vinegar and water mixture over it. The two ingredients will react and start to foam and lift the dirt. You can add essential oil if you want the mixture to smell nice instead of the sour vinegar odour. Then simply vacuum it up when it’s dry. This is a great solution for quickly cleaning up the occasional spills and stains on your carpet.

If you have a very big stain on your carpet, you can try using borax. This is a natural product that works well on a number of different types of stains. However, it’s important to remember that it can be toxic if swallowed or inhaled, so this method should only be used with caution and in a well-ventilated area. To use borax, mix one tablespoon with a cup of warm water and apply it to the stain. Then blot at the stain with a cloth moistened with vinegar and water until it disappears.

Another effective way to remove stains from your carpet is to use ammonia. This is a strong cleaner, so you should only use it in a well-ventilated area and with care. To use ammonia, mix a one-to-one solution of water and ammonia in a bucket. Then dip a sponge into the mixture and scrub at the stain on your carpet.

Once the scrubbing is complete, rinse the carpet with cold water to remove any excess moisture. This is important because excess water on your carpet can make it smell bad and may cause the carpet fibers to break down.

Once the carpet is completely dry, you should vacuum it once again to remove any remaining baking soda. Then, you can start to enjoy your freshly cleaned and smelling carpet! For even better results, you can repeat this process until the stain is gone. If you notice any further stains or smells, you should consult a professional carpet cleaner.

Vodka & Baking Soda

You can make a cheap vodka-based carpet cleaner to remove grease stains and other types of stains. The alcohol in the vodka kills bacteria and can help the vinegar penetrate a stain. Mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, then apply the mixture to the stain. Leave it to sit on the carpet for a few minutes, then wipe and vacuum up. This method works well for wine, oil and grease stains.

You might not expect it, but you can use vodka to get rid of pet urine stains as well. If the stain has been there a while, it is likely to be embedded in the carpet fibers, so you will need something stronger than vinegar alone. This cleaning solution can also be used for red wine, grass and ink stains. First, blot the area to soak up as much liquid as possible. Next, pour a little bit of club soda over the stain to lift it out of the carpet fibers. Finally, sprinkle the carpet with baking soda to absorb any excess moisture. Vacuum the carpet to clear away all of the baking soda, and then vacuum again to get it fully clean.

If you still smell a musty smell, it may be due to mildew and mould growth in the carpet fibres. This can be difficult to get rid of without removing the carpet. A cleaning solution that uses vinegar, borax and essential oils can help. Mix equal parts of each ingredient in a jar and shake vigorously before applying it to the carpet. The acidic properties of the vinegar will help to kill mould and mildew spores, while the baking soda will lift the stain.

Another way to deodorize your carpet is with table salt or baking powder. Baking powder can absorb odours as it settles into the fibres of your carpet, while table salt will work on greasy or sticky stains. You can combine both ingredients to create a carpet deodorizer that is as strong as commercial products. Using this on a regular basis can eliminate unwanted odours from your home.